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The World Record.
Readings At The St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1969-1980

DLP, Poetry Project 1981

The World Record (volumes 1 & 2, 1981) was produced from the tape archive of live performances of poets and writers at the Poetry Project.

with Charles Reznikoff, Ray Bremser, John Wieners, John Ashbery, F.T Prince, Joe Brainard, Jamie MacInnis, Eileen Myles, Tom Clark, Steve Carey, Carl Rakosi, Maureen Owen, Larry Fagin, Alice Notley, Edwin Denby, Ted Berrigan, Michael Brownstein, Allen Ginsberg, Kenneth Koch, Robert Creeley, Anselm Hollo, Fielding Dawson, Joanne Kyger, Lorenzo Thomas, Clark Coolidge, Bernadette Mayer, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Dale Herd, Victor Hernandez Cruz, Gary Lenhart, Tony Towle, Bill Berkson, Anne Waldman, Lewis Warsh, Amiri Baraka, Rochelle Kraut, Michael Palmer, Steve Levine, Harris Schiff, Howard Norman, Ron Padgett, John Godfrey, Jim Brodey, Ed Sanders, Jeff Wright, Ted Greenwald, Bob Rosenthal